Endless Love
Engaging a range of emotions from sorrow to joy, Endless Love offers a collection of verse that takes into account the types of challenges a person might confront while striving to achieve a sense of wholeness or kinship in a sometimes confusing modern world. I draw upon my own experiences, blending observation with a concept of human nature, which I frequently underscore with a spiritual approach. I open with "One Way Highway," employing a tavern setting and the image of a road, as part of a metaphor for the twists and turns that a life's path might take, especially when an addiction may be involved. Endless Love closes with a pair of expressions that draw upon notions of history and pagan belief, in an effort to place earthly attraction into alternate contexts, characterizing such exchange in terms of what may be viewed as a natural life cycle.
ISBN: 1413760791
Author: Corinna Ann Rose
Publisher: America Star Books
Rating: 0.00
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